Description for CS/A CPUEMU, version 1.0 ---------------------------------------- whatsit : 6502 Emulation board I/O : -- Mem : 64k memory of the simulated 6502 at $2**** This boards allows to replace a 6502 CPU in another computer with a cable to this board. The 64k memory of the emulated 6502 are mapped to $2**** in the CS/A65 memory. All Data and Address lines are buffered. When a write takes place outside the mapped memory ($2****) the data bus driver is disabled, and the simulated R/-W line signals a read, not write. Warning: this design has a serious flaw: When an address outside the mapped memory is accessed, a read is done in the simulated system with the lower 16 address bits of the CS/A65 address as 6502 address. If by accident this address is something like a clear-on-read this register is accessed, cleared, and might change the state of the system! Instead a fixed, save address should be used, but this is not implemented.