
MT15 registers, visible to the "end user":

       15 14 13 12 11 10  9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0 
ACC   |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
PC    |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
Flags | I| N| Z| C|

Status_register/Flags can't be directly read/written.

MT15 OpCode:

Trick is, that the command Bits mentioned here are applied
more or less directly to some parts of the CPU in the right
moment of OpCode execution.

 |15 14 13|12 11 10| 9| 8  7| 6| 5  4| 3  2  1  0|
 |F2|F1|F0|A2|A1|A0|S |W1|W0|MF|M1|M0|C3|C2|C1|C0|
  \ cond / \ addr / |  \ w / |  \cin/ \  alu    /
   ------   ------  |   ---  |   ---   ---------\
     |        |     |    |   |    |              \
     |        |     |    |   | 00 ALU_C_in=0      \ 
     |        |     |    |   | 01 ALU_C_in=C_Flag  |
     |        |     |    |   | 1x ALU_C_in=1       |
     |        |     |    |   |                     |   ALU_out =
000 true      |     |    | 0 keep___Flags     0000 AND reg& mem
001 if_I=1    |     |    | 1 modify_Flags     0001 ANN reg&!mem
010 if_N=0    |     |    |                    0010 ORA reg| mem
011 if_N=1    |     | 00 don't_write          0011 XOR reg^ mem
100 if_Z=0    |     | 01 write_ACC            0100 MVR reg
101 if_Z=1    |     | 10 write_PC             0101 MVM mem
110 if_C=0    |     | 11 write_memory         0110 DEC mem-1
111 if_C=1    |     |                         0111 SET $FFFF
              |     0 ALU_source=ACC          1000 CLR $0000
          000 #d16  1 ALU_source=PC           1001 ADD reg+mem
          001 #d16                            1010 SUB reg-mem
          010  d16+PC                         1010 SBU mem-reg
          011 [d16+PC]                        1100 SRR reg >>1
          100  d16+ACC                        1101 SRM mem >>1
          101 [d16+ACC]                       1110 SLR reg <<1
          110  d16                            1111 SLM mem <<1
          111 [d16]

Now for a more detailed description.

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(c) Dieter Mueller 2005